Monday, November 10, 2014


i can't believe the weekend is over, and that we're already a week into november. time is flying! the past two weeks have especially flown due to the fact that brooklyn seems to be sixteen and kendall, well kendall has grown up a lot too. they are really starting to love to interact with each other. kendall's face lights up when brooklyn approaches her and she gets so excited. brooklyn is constantly mothering her and trying to make her laugh.

it seriously melts my heart.

we celebrated my MIL's 50th before she jetted back to hawaii. brooklyn was so excited to give her balloons and presents. all of the girls went out to lunch to celebrate her birthday and then the guys joined us at a birthday party for her at her mom's. 

before she left, she was able to buy a home. the process definitely took a lot longer than she and my FIL had hoped, but i think it has all been worth it in the end. the home is beautiful and there are already big plans in store for it. in a little over a month, we'll be moving into that home. we're definitely sad to leaving our current home/neighbors/ward but look forward to a new adventure. i'm never really good with change, but hopefully with everything being done by Christmas, i'll be able to handle it.

for the next few weeks we'll be de-junking, cleaning, organizing, and packing before we head to hawaii for thanksgiving so that our stresses will be lessened right before the move. so with all of that, we're enjoying the moments of just being together, the beautiful fall weather, and most definitely getting lots of kisses on a sweet little chubby baby we have around here. 

h a p p y  m o n d a y

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